Misbah khan yousafzai
MS Research Journey (Part 20)
Online Self Disclosure was my first-time choice as a research topic; However, I am not that much convinced about my topic interest; recently, I read an article: "Inside Out and Outside-in: How the pandemic affects self-disclosure on Social Media" this introduces a unique perspective of Online self-disclosure, as it says this COVID 19 changes the traditional research Self-focus to other focus.in other words this pandemic situation shifts from privacy calculus to social calculus. For instance, a social media user's decision about disclosing online depended on his privacy now converts into the favor of public safety or interest.
This article raised a question, how pandemic affects users'users' decisions to disclose information on sites.
The article's very important part is the suggested list of studies with mentioned research questions that can help for future research.
It is a must-read article for new fellows in Media Research.
Link of the Article: